Saturday 18 May 2013

Thankful for.....

For my last blog entry I feel like it’s more than necessary to just say how unbelievably thankful I am. A good friend of mine on the ship gave me a hug one day and said “I’m thankful for you”. What a beautiful thing to say! When I first started this entry I only had a few days left in Africa and I was going through the motions and mixed emotions of leaving a place that so many people call home.  Someone once described coming back to the ship with the analogy of ‘coming home (the ship) to a family that has changed (as all families do), where some members have moved on and left home, while others have joined the family (Mercy Ships)’. Perfectly said! 

I'm thankful for......

friends & family


a home

                      choosing to become a nurse

                                                                             my job

amazing co-workers

                                health care

                                                   Hope & Healing

African culture & the people of Africa



                                            Singing & 

hugs & nuzzles

 Social & Political Stability



a good education

              the opportunity to travel

                                     to be a part of this unique
                                     organization- MERCY SHIPS


the support I've had throughout this process

                   & for reaching my fundraising goals! 

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